Monday, July 4, 2011

holiday part 1

first of all, my apology. I haven't been able to update my blog to the latest and current activities that I'm in now. Not that I'm  soooo super busy but you see, being a so-called-amah really do encourage me not to really have time scribbling on my own blog space.. a.k.a malas.. heeee. (^_~)

dear family! too bad being a photographer cuz' I'm not in it.. 
One of the most favorite moment I had in a month is at the end of the month. Guess what??? hohoo.. It's my family gathering. Not the all - big family, only the Bukut clan a.k.a my father's siblings. I don't know why, but I feel contented and I just really love seeing all many people that I know gathered together. So, this is the June's gathering. We were celebrating the parent's day and anyone who was born on that month. One thing special on this day, I mean this June edition of family gathering was that, we managed to persuade our grandmother (my father's mother), the one in the yellow shirt to come, take pictures and eat together. Usually, she won't join us. . and to make it more interesting, she was smiling in that picture.. wow!~

 nice is it?? see the sunlight. hoho
Last weekend, could say, I am fully occupied. haha ! Being a tutor half of the day.. and the other half became a farmer.. haha! well.. pictures tells a thousand words aite.. ? so , here's  a few la..

kami sedang menanam padi. hoho.
Inilah first time saya mongutus tusok (mencabut anak padi?? - err,.. betul ka tu??), mongimbasiu (membuka bhg2 yg kering dan rosak . kn?) dan mananom parai (menanam padi). . haha! great experience.. glad to be born and raised as a Dusun... haha!.. But, then it was very tiring. huhu. I think I slept early that night. 

I think that's enough for today's entri. haha! take care!


  1. wow winnie!!!so coool!bagusnya kamu..saya yang tinggal di negeri jelapang padi ini pun tak pernah masuk ke sawah..kamu sangat hebat!huhu..

  2. bkurun abad suda sy x pernah p sawah. hahaha. plg last ms primary 4. tu pun bkn pndai tnam padi, t'apung blk ni. wakaka. btw, bagus 2 p sawah, bleh slim :D

  3. aa : haha. best la jg. . tp sy rs next time x nk pegi lagi kot.. skali pigi..eczema trus kuar kt jari cm ari tu. haha.

    rai : haha. yg dulu2 tu sy msk jg.. tp men burutak.sma la tu. terapung d air. haha. tam banar slim. blk2 lapar, makan byk jg. hoho.

  4. ooh..ya ka?aduh..cepat pakai ubat..huhu..saya memang takut nak masuk sawah sebab saya takut lintah...huhu..saya ini penakut..
