Tuesday, August 21, 2018


180818 - " Cantik ni haribulan. Kita kawin time ni la." 

That was last year, when we were picking date for the wedding.

And yeah, that 180818 was indeed a hot date. So many people get married, engaged and I guess gave birth as well? I mean purposely gave birth on that particular date. Hoping that you'll get what I meant by purposely. Haha

Well as for me, us - we decided that we'd take another date. That is 110818. So, I've been married for almost 2 weeks now. Thank God, with months of planning and surveying - all was sum up in just a day.

Surely, us girls or women would have our own dream wedding.

So, my last 2 weeks wedding was about 90% of my dream wedding. Of course, there were some issues but let bygones be bygones then.

Selamat kawin suda juga pun. Hehe

I thanked You Lord Jesus.  For your blessings and guidance.
Family and friends for the love and support on us both.
And everyone for making  110818 a memorable one.

Cheers to a new journey ahead!

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