Monday, February 18, 2013

Being OT #1

Although I've just graduated, my brain containing OT knowledge is almost empty. At least, half empty maybe Haha. This is because, first : when someone talks or discuss with me about work related stuff, I was like blur. (Padahal, suda belajar pun tu benda) ; secondly, I still open my books ( buka buku, membaca). Phew!

Dealing with kids, I need to come up with a lot of activity, a fun one. This is for them to develop their social interaction skills, fine motor skills, attention and etc. If previously, these are the things that we rarely look into (just because we were surrounded  by normal kids), special kids may find it difficult to master them.

So, you see - the brain must not stop working to think of more fun and interesting activities for them. Fun and interesting but should also include academic stuffs.

I was google-ing a cut and paste activity for the classroom sessions. So, I found this one.

credits to christy william. this is her idea posted on google. haha!

Looks like interesting juga kan? Well, I plan to include this one then. Besides of training their fine motor skills, it also helps them to differentiate sizes/length.

this is finger painting! thanks google!
I found another one on google and I soo wanna try this with the kids. It only involves the use of own hand. Looks easy but then the colours being used, kids may have  tactile sensitivity problem with it. Some may not even  want to touch the colour but some are eating it already! Haha.

Well, I need to think and google some more. When will my creative brain will be activated ni? (kreatif la sangat. haha) Anyway, have a great day ahead.! Take care, people!

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