Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Check this out  - 10 signs of Quarter-Life-Crisis

Just by looking at it, I think I am having a Quarter-Life- Crisis. Hmm.

1. Daydreaming about doing something crazy

Hell yeah! I did that. Singing lively in a band, entertaining humans in a big hall. Haha. In which, this ideas stay as  purely my imagination. Hoho

Accepting overseas job offer or somewhere not in Malaysia. I once dream of going to pursue my career in Singapore or Brunei.

2. ... but  feeling paralyzed by indecision

Indeed. I wanted to do as many things that I can during my 20's but to really do it, I'm not that brave enough.

3. Feeling increasingly nostalgic for high school and college days

Totally. These days, I had been always doing throwback and recap of my student years. Feeling so grateful that I don't have to think a lot just like what I'm in now.

4. The idea of making a budget is terrifying

True enough. Back in student years, I've always thought that I could somehow handle this financial matters wisely but the truth is, I still have a lot to learn. I couldn't really persuade my mind to save more many for future events. Huh.

5. Starting to think of dating life differently

I have just been in a relationship. Thank God. Current mode, how to spot Mr Right. And yes, I want commitment. 

6. Have sudden, sudden intense of failure

Been experiencing this almost every day, especially now that I'm in a new work setting.

7. Bored with your friends

Gotta to disagree with this one. Not bored, instead craving for it! but still depends on the timing. There are times that I just love staying and lazying at home.

8. Constantly comparing self to same age friends

Yeah, sometimes I wonder, am I really 25 ( plus few months. hehe) ? I felt like heaven and earth different with some of my same age friends. This, especially when they're getting married and here I am still single.

9.  or my parents  when they are my age

Hm.. not really . Hee

10. Feeling like this twenties aren't turning out how  I expect it to be

Exactly! I feel loss and always have this question popping out of my brain - " Am I living my life correctly?"

Ok. I think I am having this crisis for now. Full stop.

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